Links to published planned growth in Bike Share Toronto network, in a file named network_expansion__YYmmdd_HHMMSS.parquet.gzip
. Future network growth was announced as part of a four-year expansion plan on August 8, 2022 for
- number of stations
- 1 (see the Operations section)
- 2
- 3 (table 3 in section 3.1 on page 53)
- 4 (page 3)
- number of bikes
where the listed totals for stations in 1,2 and 3 and for bikes are assumed to correspond to the end of 2022.
The dataset consists of the following columns
- years of four-year expansion plan following the current date assumed for this project
- 2023, 2024, 2025
- projected yearly bike share ridership
- personal projection (not taken from published report or article)
- planned number of stations per year to be added to the network
- taken from link 1. above
- planned number of bikes per year to be added to the network
- taken from link 2. above
- planned fraction of neighbourhoods with at least one bike share station
- since this data was not published, this column consists of missing values (