The final recommended hourly schedule for when to display digital ads during the campaign is provided in a file named recommended__schedule__YYmmdd_HHMMSS.parquet.gzip. This dataset contains the following columns

  1. datetime
    1. date and time
  2. month
    1. month of year
  3. day_of_week
    1. day of week
  4. hour
    1. hour of day
  5. type_of_day
    1. whether day of week is a weekday (Weekday) or weekend (Weekend)
  6. season
    1. whether datetime falls during prime bike share season between May and October (Prime Bike Share Season) or not (Off-Season)
  7. is_recommended
    1. whether it is recommended to target station (True) or not (False)
  8. hours_cumsum
    1. hours in recommended hourly schedule (cumulative)
  9. total_hours
    1. total hours in recommended hourly schedule
  10. frac_recommended_hours
    1. fraction of hours in recommended hourly schedule (cumulative)