Daily weather data was retrieved from Meteostat between January 1, 2018 and March 31, 2023 and is stored in a file named daily_weather__YYmmdd_HHMMSS.parquet.gzip. Daily data contains the following columns of daily weather attributes

  1. station
    1. Meteostat’s weather station ID
    2. in the previous step, this was chosen to be Toronto Airport weather station, so all weather data was retrieved from readings at this station only
  2. time (used in EDA)
    1. for daily data, this is the date in YY-mm-dd format
  3. tavg
    1. average temperature (C)
  4. tmin
    1. minimum temperature (C)
  5. tmax (used in EDA)
    1. maximum temperature (C)
  6. prcp
    1. total precipitation (mm)
  7. snow
    1. depth of snow (mm)
  8. wdir
    1. average direction of the wind (degrees)
  9. wspd
    1. average wind speed
  10. wpgt
    1. peak wind gust speed
  11. pres
    1. average air pressure at sea level
  12. tsun
    1. minutes of total sunshine