A list of colleges and universities located within the city of Toronto, excluding MCU, was retrieved from Wikipedia, in a file named colleges_univs__YYmmdd_HHMMSS.parquet.gzip. All campuses that are located within the city of Toronto were retrieved. This dataset contains the following columns

  1. cu_id
    1. identifier for college and university
  2. cu_name
    1. name of college or university
  3. lat
    1. latitude of college or university
  4. lon
    1. longitude of college or university
  5. census_tract_id
    1. Toronto census tract in which bike share station is located
    2. extracted by comparing station’s lat-lon to census tract boundaries
  6. Neighbourhood
    1. Toronto neighbourhood in which bike share station is located
    2. extracted by comparing station’s lat-lon to neighbourhood boundaries