Bike Share station metadata for currently active stations were retrieved from the /station_information endpoint of the GBFS API for the Bike Share Toronto network and is stored in a file named stations_info__YYmmdd_HHMMSS.parquet.gzip. Station metadata contains the following columns of metadata

  1. station_id (used in EDA)
    1. station ID
    2. unique identifier for a single bike share station
  2. name (used in EDA)
    1. station name (street location)
  3. physical_configuration (used in EDA)
    1. whether station uses a kiosk (REGULAR), kiosk-less (*MAPFRAME) or supports e-bikes (ELECTRICBIKESTATION)
    2. stations with a kiosk provide steps to guide users through the bike check-out process
    3. stations without a kiosk require the user to check out bikes directly from one of the bike docks at the station, as shown on page 12 from here
  4. lat
    1. station location latitude
  5. lon
    1. station location longitude
  6. altitude
    1. station altitude
  7. address
    1. station street address (includes street number and name)
  8. capacity (used in EDA)
    1. number of bicycle docks available at station
  9. is_charging_station (used in EDA)
    1. whether station supports electric bikes (True) or not (False)
  10. geofenced_capacity
    1. unknown
  11. rental_methods (used in EDA)
    1. methods of payment that are accepted at the station
  12. is_virtual_station
    1. whether the station contains bicycle docks (False) or not (True)
  13. groups
    1. unknown
  14. obcn
    1. unknown
  15. nearby_distance
    1. unknown
  16. *_bluetooth_*id
    1. unknown
  17. *_ride_code_*support
    1. unknown
  18. rental_uris
    1. URI for use on Android, iOS and web
  19. postal_code
    1. city of Toronto postal code at the location of the station