Below are the key insights extracted about bike share stations that were identified as top-performers using the metrics listed in the Exploratory Data Analysis section earlier. These attributes are contrasted against stations that were not identified to be top performers.
<aside> 💡 The two types of stations discussed earlier during EDA are considered separately here. They are top-performing stations and all other stations. Attributes were extracted separately for each type of station.
The initial footprint of the network was focused in neighborhoods located in Downtown Toronto in order to target working professionals and the city’s financial district when the bike sharing service was launched. While the network has expanded into neighborhoods away from the city’s downtown core, nearly 80% of the 100 top-performing stations are still found in Downtown Toronto’s neighborhoods.
<aside> 💡 This suggests bike share stations within the city’s downtown area should be one of the areas prioritized for maximizing exposure to the target audience (bike share users) while also minimizing costs when running the digital ad campaign.
In order to capture the majority of the remaining 20% of top-performing stations, neighborhoods that are immediately adjacent to the downtown core (to the east and west) and all other neighborhoods can be considered. In the above chart the adjacent eastern neighborhoods are colored in dark red and the adjacent western neighborhoods are colored in dark green. All other stations including those in adjacent northern neighborhoods are shown in light grey.
From the top chart it is clear that upon moving away from Downtown Toronto, those neighborhoods located immediately to its west have the next-largest fraction (approximately 15%) of top performing stations. These two areas capture a combined 95% of the top performing stations across the network. There are no top-performing bike share stations located north of Downtown Toronto.
<aside> 💡 The digital ad campaign footprint should capture top-performing stations located in neighborhoods within Downtown Toronto and immediately to its west.